Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Making Google Play Nice On My iPad

These days, we want all of our information available on all of our devices.  Am I right or am I right? We love to log into another computer (in this case we're logging into Google) and all of our gmail, contacts, calendars are available.  However, when we are on our iPhone or iPad, we want our contacts, our calendars and our mail as well.  Right?!  Well, this doesn't necessarily just happening on your iOS devices.  Let me give you an example of a scenario that just might help you out.

However, please note that in this scenario (for the calendar) the issue was that the iPad user couldn't see a calendar that another person shared with them.  It just wasn't showing up on their iPad.  The user could see their own calendar, but not any of the shared calendars.  So when you get to the calendar section, keep that in mind.

So here's the scenario:
  • I have new iPads I'm setting up
  • The users of these iPads have Google accounts
    • The Google contacts and calendars aren't showing up on their iPad...and that's an issue
  • First, the Contacts:
    • Go to:  Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account... > Other > Add CardDAV Account
      • CardDAV
        • Server: google.com
        • User Name:  your user name (your gmail address)
        • Password:  your password
        • Description:  whatever you want
          • *IF* you are having issues with the setup, check the Advanced Settings and make sure that you have on 'Use SSL' and that the Port is 443
        • After doing this, your Contacts app on your iPad should have your Google Contacts loaded.
  • Next, the Calendar
    • On the iPad (using Safari or whatever web browser you have) go to this address:  google.com/calendar/iphoneselect and then you'll be asked to sign into your Google account.
    • After signing in, you'll see any of your Google calendars that you've created as well as any calendars that have been shared with you.

      • Check any calendars that you want to view on your iPad
        • Be sure to look at your 'Shared Calendars' (if you have any shared calendars)
          • If you wish to see them on your iPad, be sure to check them
      • Touch SAVE at the bottom of your screen
    • Here's what I found interesting.  When I went to the iPad to check out the calendars...they weren't there!  
      • So I ended up deleting the Google account on my iPad:  Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars, (then I selected the Gmail account) Delete Account
        • Then added the account back again.  After adding the account back again, the shared calendars could be seen
        • I don't know if that's always the case, but it was for me in this instance
      • Be sure to turn on 'Calendars'

I hope this helps you out!

*Also - I was able to talk about this issue with a wonderful member of my PLN...Otis @odiep77, who helped trouble shoot the issue with the calendars.  Thanks again!

Isn't it great to be able to talk with someone when you're trying to make things work?!

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